Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weight and Pregnancy

I shouldn't really be this selfish but I am rather worried that I'll grow really big as part of being pregnant and then will never get to loose the weight. I really don't want to be one of those typical Asian women who are ever so skinny before and then turn to old 'Marmies' once they have a man and start springing out kids.

At this point at 24 weeks and 4 days, I have gained 4.5kg's or so which I think isn't that bad seeing that I am midway in the pregnancy. The weight chart says that at my height and weight, I should have gained minimum 5.78kg's so slightly under is ok by me. Max weight is 8.79kg's which is huge!

Have to be careful, after all - once its on, it's hard to get off.

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