Saturday, July 3, 2010

Relationship quondrum

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Am rewatching the movie " He's Just Not into You" - and after re-reading the same titled book, it had me thinking...

"If a guy really likes you, he will always make an exception to the rules"

I have been in several (long term) relationships, and 2 marriage proposals (1 which I actually accepted ...hence the current smug married status) and as cliche as it might sound - that statement is so true.

I mean, lets face facts here... unless the guy is really butt-ugly, his lil black book would be chocker full with numbers of eligible single ladies. Seeing that there are more women than men to a ratio of around 3-1, would you blame a guy for wanting to continue to be foot loose and fancy free? Go to any club or pub on a Fri or Sat night and there is no short of women on the prowl for a "soul mate" and men wanting to pick up.

Lets be honest here, it is indeed slim pickings for a women once you hit a particular age range (and before the idea gets shot down, let me explain..)

  • Its coz a women usually wants to settle down with a man who can care for them and be cared for, in short - successful or earns enough so that one can live comfortably;

  • Be of a particular age bracket (usually older but the recent Cougar phenomena is interesting..)

  • And has to be decent looking know, so that you can show him off to your friends..).

In reality, the older you get - your pool gets smaller - say you are 35.. you might want someone who is in the 30 - 40 bracket, but these same men want a younger model.. hence you are stuck with the 40-50 bracket range...

Furthermore, men in these said older bracket are more than likely have gone through a previous marriage or long term rship before .. so baggage in terms of kids, alimony, an ex-wife/partner usually comes as part and parcel. Hence, if you yourself have never been married or do not have kids, do you want to be saddled down with someone who does? Its a difficult question indeed.

I personally do not think I could handle it..

I have broken up with a guy (I wasn't into him anyways) because when we hooked up, he said he was single but I later on got the confession that he was separated (he has since divorced and remarried), and I have also broken up with a guy who wanted to get too serious too quickly. Call me picky, but I believe in gut instinct.

Yes, some might say I am still on the honeymoon stage, and it all changes when kids get into the picture but it doesn't have to when you don't want children right?

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