Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Laptop woes

Fine, the blasted laptop (work one even!) had to get all virused on me, giving me a near heart attack just thinking of all those lost data and what not. To make matters worse, I was in Cairns that week ( I plugged into the hotel net and hence my problem started) and had no time to go back into the office to get it fixed by IT!

So with a rush of drama, arrived in the wee hrs of the morning, dropped the laptop off with the Facilities Manager (who is fortunately a friend and I asked a favour of from) who kindly dropped it off with IT while I worked without a laptop for the morning appointment. Fortunately, it was salvageable but it apparently needs a serious case of rebuilding.

Oh well, I haven't lost my data at least - and we ARE up for new laptops soon :).

Will update on Cairns once and Falls Creek once I get my head sorted.

Upcoming work trips this month-
  1. Brisbane, QLD
  2. Wagga Wagga, NSW

Upcoming fun trips

  1. Falls Creek, VIC - to catch the last bits of snow before the season ends.

Spring is a mere day away.. I love my winters, but I do like spring. It is summer I dislike :)


Bubbles said...

A mac will ensure a virus free and worry free net surfing time :)

Mirebella said...

Bubbles! How are you?And congrats on motherhood.. :)

Yes, I know - but lappy is work related, and in my industry doesnt suit the Mac :p

Bubbles said...

Thanks Mirebella! Most industries don't suit a mac but it sure is fun for personal use. Hope all is well with u! :)