Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mirebella's Book Club - Jan

One of the things I told myself I'll do this year is start reading a bit more (which reminds me, I've yet to do a new yr resolution post). Setting aside some time with a good book and a latte and a happy bunny I am.

I even joined the library, saving me spending $16 - $30 a pop and reducing clutter space at home too - a win win situation overall.

I've finished reading 2 books and am on my 3rd. Not bad I think.

I've read -
1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Laarson (everyone has read this one I think)
2. Robert Ludlum ~The Bourne Legacy - Eric Van Lustbader

Currently reading

3. The Captive Queen - Alison Weir

Usually we have a type of genre of books of choice, I pretty much read anything :)


Anonymous said...

I love reading Biographies mostly :)

Mirebella said...

The Captive Queen is a Historical Biography. I dont usually like reading current Bio's for some reason.

John Ling said...

Thrillers and political non-fiction mostly. =)