Sunday, August 5, 2012

I am - in the family way!

I have been keeping this news quiet for some time. Perhaps because it is still something am getting my head around but also because it it's going to impact how things fare for the rest of my/our lives. 

It was a bit of shall I or shall I not blog about this but it will be good to have a diary of sorts to jot down my up and downs as I get used to the fact that I have something growing in me for the next 5 months - yes - I am 4 months pregnant!



Mina said...
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Mina said...

It's official! :-)
Congratulations again!!

Anu said...

Congrats! Happy for you. :)

Mirebella said...

Thanks SG and Anu :)

Mak Piah said...

yeahhhh!!!!..congrats my dear :-)

Mirebella said...

Thank you MP. Havent heard from you in a while! How are you????

Mladen said...

